Sunday, 8 February 2015

Hey peeps,
Here's some sketches that I did in my free time. With these I really wanted to learn how to poly paint and check how far I can take these. I quite enjoy zbrush even though it feels very complicated.

Hello. Here's a painting of my character that I did for my Uni project. Generally I get quite border with the subject if I spend too much time on it, but with this one I had a blast! At the time of painting this bad boy I have been playing a lot of Lords of the Fallen and I really enjoyed the art direction. This game has really influenced me while painting this dude. 

Haven't been around here for quite some time. Here's a batch of sketches that I've done today. Each is for my Uni project in which I have to produce an Environment paintings of my choice. I quite like the idea of an old / abandoned castle halls. 
Anyways, I am trying to be much more consistent with my blog and I will definitely post a lot more things here. 

Hi everyone! I'm Kuba. I currently study Computer Games Arts and I focus on Concept Art!